Shanna Tonelli

Overall the teacher training was one of my top life experiences as it was very approachable, non judgmental and real life. The content was informative, interesting and always a little entertaining!! The practice teaching was extremely valuable. There is no better way to learn how to do something than to practice doing it and get feedback on your efforts. The feedback we got was kind, accurate, and useful.

You don't need to be an advanced practitioner or have extensive knowledge of yoga to be a part of the program.  Marcy pours her hearts into her teaching and it is very difficult to be a part of this group and not feel like your life has changed for the better.BSY 2014 TT GraduateGrove City, PA


Samantha Haggarty

BSY's Yoga Teacher Training was informative, cathartic, inspiring, and fun! It was a major positive turning point for me.  Being immersed in yoga for a month helped me learn to take the practice from the mat into the real world.  I will always be grateful for the experience. 

BSY 2014 TT Graduate

Mercer, PA


Ken Isles

An absolute must for anyone interested in understanding traditional yoga practice...whether learning suggested disciplines, sequenced postures, correct breathing techniques or enhanced concentration.  Wisdom and spirituality unfold!

BSY 2014 TT Graduate

Grove City, PA


Margaret DePree

A gift to my future self. I always saw these yogis writing such inspiring pieces of relection; on trials and success, happiness and pain...And I always wondered how they could relay their thoughts and emotions so vividly; in a way that allows any and every reader to appreciate their words.  And then I walked in the door of BSY's 200 hour (intensive) teacher training. After 7 months in the studio, if felt like home, and the ten other individuals embarking on the journey, felt it too. Marcy designed the training and admitted her surprise with all it turned out to be; so much more thand we'd imagined.  In committing to long hours, glistening/tired bodies and an open heart, each of us found something that will last a lifetime.  

Svadhyaya - "ones own reading". BSY 200 RYT training granted me the freedom in studying myself as well as teh enlightened perspectives of all that came before me... Helping me to truly experience life through the eyes of appreciation.  Om shanti 

BSY 2014 TT Graduate

Jamestown, PA


Dr. Kimberly Smith

I have had a lot of amazing experiences in my life, but none quite as transformative as Marcy's 200 hour yoga teacher training at Broad Street Yoga.  By registering for the training, I was simply hoping to gain more knowledge and understanding of the practice of yoga. Little did I know that I would come away with so much more than that. I wish that I could put into words the impact that it has had on my life and on my practice, but it is simply indescribable.  What I can say, however, is that I have gained new and valuable perspectives on yoga, on teaching, on learning, and on living a more purposeful and compassionate life.  I would highly recommend this training for anyone interested in teaching yoga and/or strengthening their personal practice.  Marcy creates a comfortable, supportive and compassionate environment in which all participants can learn and thrive.  By far, it has been the most transformative experience of my life.

BSY 2014 TT Graduate

Slippery Rock, PA


Michele Miklos

I would recommend BSY's teacher training intensive to anyone who would love to deepen their practice and not just those who foresee themselves as future yoga teachers.  It's a great opportunity to dig deeper than you have the time to in a typical class and really explore the nuances of the postures and yogic philosophy, as well as the heritage of Ashtanga and the lay of the land in the broader yoga community.  Your mind will expand with discussions and readings, your heart will grow as you compassionately connect with your yogi cohort, and your body will open with consistent daily practice.  You will gain a support system to help you launch your yoga teaching career, if that is your intention, and you will undoubtedly gain some soul friends no matter what.  Marcy and her guest teachers offer excellendt perspective and guidance and you venture inward to the heart of yoga!

BSY 2014 TT Graduate

Pittsburgh, PA